Sunday, December 29, 2019

Youll Get the Job Faster if You Know Someone

Youll Get the Job Faster if You Know SomeoneYoull Get the Job Faster if You Know SomeoneYoull Get the Job Faster if You Know SomeoneLots of companies have employee referral programs. What is the program about? Basically, its when an employee refers a friend or old colleague for a position within his own company. If that referral gets hired, then the employee gets a reward, most often in the form of a cash bonus.Do employee referral programs benefit job seekers?Yes Your resume and cover letter will be reviewed sooner than those that were submitted through a job board. In return, youll land an vorstellungsgesprch faster, too. But thats only if your resume impresses the reader. Knowing someone wont help you much if youre not qualified for the job.Besides speeding up the hiring process, the referrals opinion of you can also increase your chance of getting the job. Its a good sign that the referral was willing to fast-track your resume to the hiring manager, but being able to vouch for yo ur character and work ethic will go a long way for you, too.Here are some resources to help you take advantage of the benefits a referral program has to offer you as a job seekerWhen and How to Name Drop in Your Cover LetterIts Who You KnowBuild Your Network and Uncover the Hidden Job Market

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to keep your cool when coworkers are annoying you

How to keep your cool when coworkers are annoying youHow to keep your cool when coworkers are annoying youHeres a fact you already know to be true people are annoying.Even people who you adore - like your best friends, family or your partner - will wear on your last nerve. The same logic applies to your workspace While you might get along with the majority of your teammates, its rare youll enjoy everyones company. But unlike when you have an outburst with someone in your social rahmen who will forgive your antics, being professional at all times is important to your progression and reputation. As career and branding expert Wendi Weiner, Esq., warns - people judge you not just by what you say, but what you do - making your composure one of the most important, but undervalued soft skills. Its a fine line that many tiptoe on, all too often.Many times, we think if we break the ice with co-workers, that we can let down our guard and start to treat them as equals in terms of how we tre at peers and friends in our personal lives, she explains. But, maintaining the decorum and treating your co-workers with the utmost respect has to take priority. Your peers can wind up being your subordinates or vice versa down the road.Heres what to do when you feel yourself getting irkedPut yourself in timeout.You dont have to count to ten and hide in a corner, but you do need to take a breather when a coworker is annoying you. Career expert Heather Monahan prescribes space as the most effective way to prevent yourself from saying - or doing - something you might regret once youve cooled down. If you can, take yourself for a walk and talk to a loved one to help you clear your head or take a ten-minute break in a conference room where you can breathe it out.When things intensify at work and voices are being raised it is key to excuse yourself from the situation. Nothing good comes from emotion in the workplace and those that get emotional are the ones that lose, she shares.And it s not only verbal communication either, she stresses step away from your iPhone and email, so you dont leave a paper trail of your frustration.Prioritize professionalismCareer coach Christina Piombetti says the most common mistake employees make in the office is not maintaining a consistent professional attitude. As she explains, having a level head to prioritize your job responsibilities and being friendly arent mutually exclusive. However, if youre constantly responding to the overly sarcastic coworker who pushes your button or becoming visibly upset when tension raises high debating a project proposal, you wont be respected. Though there are certain boundaries that go too far - like sexual harassment - sometimes, the career-first way to approach an annoying coworker is to stomach it and turn away. People like working with people who are likable, but you must always remain a professional. Sometimes that means putting up with things that are less than ideal, like a co-workers ann oying habit, she adds.Find a positive and focus on it.For most people, exasperation had a tendency to grow. Once you notice one character flaw that riddles your patience, its easier to see more and more. But Weiner explains this habit can be dangerous, especially as your blood boils over months - or years - of working with someone. Thats why she suggests the age-old tactic of seeking the silver lining. Try to come up with at least one positive thing about the person, and compliment them. Build a relationship that is focused on a particular thing you like about the person and stop allowing yourself from simply focusing on how much they annoy you, she says.Dont take it personally.There are certain working personalities that can be exhausting people-pleasing Paul, passive-aggressive Sally or micromanaging Mitch. But then there are personal traits that simply arent compatible with everyone - like listening to loud music, clipping nails at your desk or eating funky foods in a crowded space. Piombetti says rather than taking it personally or letting their sometimes-gross and impolite behavior crawl under your skin, remember its not personal. They likely are not doing it on purpose to irritate you. They may not realize that you even notice or simply lack a little self-awareness. In any case, its probably not directed at you, so turn a cheek and focus on something else, she suggests.Give them an out.If your irritation reaches a dangerous level of resentment, Piombetti says its appropriate to address the situation in a kind, business-approved manner. One way, she suggests, is to give them an out by starting the conversation with You might not realize it but This approach takes the edge off and makes you more of an ally than an aggressor. You could hint that youre doing them a favor by letting them know other people not just you might be bothered by their actions and youre just looking out for them, she shares. Try to be discreet and respectful, and do not embar rass your co-worker within earshot of others. Take the conversation into a private space and dont make personal attacks.Dont create a divide.Or in other words dont walk yourself into a corner, career expert Jeff Kohl cautions. When youre at your wits end, you might be tempted to say or request something bold, and slightly irrational. But as Kohl says, asking to not work with someone can limit your professional growth. This is when looking at the bigger picture is paramount to your continued success. While you might not enjoy someones working method or in-office choices, giving yourself time to reevaluate how its impacting your personal performance is more important than creating a divide. In those situations, its important to take the step aside from the rest of the team to not incite further conflict. If you can, leave for the rest of the day or work remotely, he suggests.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Grooming Standards for Men and Women in the Navy

Grooming Standards for Men and Women in the NavyGrooming Standards for Men and Women in the NavyEach of the military services imposes grooming standards on their military personnel, as part of their Dress Appearance or uniform regulations. For the United States Navy, grooming standards are contained in the Navy Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2 Grooming Standards, and are shown below General Grooming Standards The primary consideration is to have a neatly groomed appearance while wearing naval uniforms. Grooming standards are based on several elements including neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image and appearance. The standards established here are leid intended to be overly restrictive nor are they designed to isolate Navy personnel from society. The limits set forth are reasonable, enforceable, and ensure that personal appearance contributes to a favorable military image. The difference between mens and womens grooming policies recognizes the difference between the sexes sideburns for men, different hairstyles and cosmetics for women. Establishing identical grooming and personal appearance standards for men and women would elend be in the Navys best interest and is not a factor in the assurance of equal opportunity. Navy personnel assigned to seestreitkraft Corps units who elect to wear and are issued Marine Corps service uniforms at no expense, will abide by grooming standards established for Marines. Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units who do not elect to wear Marine Corps service uniforms will be issued only utilities and shall abide by grooming standards for Navy personnel. Male Grooming Standards Keep hair neat, clean and well-groomed. Hair above the ears and around the neck shall be tapered from the lower natural hairline upwards at least 3/4 inch and outward not greater than 3/4 inch to blend with thehairstyle. Hair on the back of the neck must not touch the collar. Hair shall be no longer than four inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under thefront edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately two inches. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized. The unique quality and texture of curled, kinked, waved, and straight hair is recognized, and in some cases, the 3/4 inch taper at the back of the neck may be difficult to attain. In those cases, hair must present a graduated appearance and may combine the taper with a line at the back of the neck. One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft part is authorized. Varying hairstyles, including afro, are permitted if these styles meet the criteria of maximum length and bulk, tapered neck and sides, and do not interfere with properly wearing military headgear. Plaited or braided hair shall not be worn while in uniform or in a duty status. Keep sideburns neatly trimmed and tailored in the same manner as the haircut. Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even width (not flared) and shall end with a clean-shaven horizontal line. Muttonchops, Ships captain, or similar grooming modes are not authorized. The face shall be clean-shaven unless a shaving waiver is authorized by the Commanding Officer for medical reasons. Mustaches are authorized but shall be kept neatly and closely trimmed. No portion of the mustache shall extend below the lip line of the upper lip. It shall not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the eckstos of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth. The length of an individual mustache hair fully extended shall not exceed approximately 1/2 an inch. Handlebar mustaches, goatees, beards or eccentricities are n ot permitted. If a shaving waiver is authorized, no facial/neck hair shall be shaved, manicured, styled or outlined nor exceed 1/4 inch in length. Supervisors of individuals with shaving waivers shall actively monitor and ensure treatment regimen is followed. Wigs or hairpieces may be worn by active duty personnel while in uniform or duty status only for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. Wigs may be worn by Naval Reserve personnel engagedin inactive dutyfor training. Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations. They shall not interfere with the proper wertzuwachs of duty nor present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard. Fingernails shall not extend past fingertips. They shall be kept clean. Female Grooming Habits For women, hairstyles shall not be outrageously multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the scalp (oth er than the neckline), or have designs cut or braided into the hair. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical styles are not authorized. Ponytails, pigtails, widely spaced individual hanging locks, and braids which protrude from the head, are not authorized. Multiple braids are authorized. Braided hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed herein. When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approx. 1/4 inch), and tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional,well-groomedappearance. Foreign material (i.e., beads, decorative items) shall not be braided into the hair. Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore and aft rows (cornrowing) which minimize scalp exposure.Cornrowends shall not protrude from the headand shall be secured only with inconspicuous rubber bands that match the c olor of the hair. Appropriateness of a hairstyle shall also be judged by its appearance when headgear is worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hair shall not show from under the front of the brim of the combination hat, garrison, or command ball caps. Hairstyles which do not allow headgear to be worn in this manner, or which interfere with the proper wear of protective masks or equipment are prohibited. When in uniform, the hair may touch, but not umstand below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar. Long hair, including braids, which fall below the lower edge of the collar shall be neatly and inconspicuously fastened, pinned, or secured to the head. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp will exceed approximately 2 inches. A maximum of two smal l barrettes/combs/clips, similar to hair color, may be used in the hair. Additional bobby pins or rubber bands matching hair color may be used to hold hair in place, if necessary. Fabric elastics bands are not authorized. Hair ornaments shall not present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard. Hair nets shall not be worn unless authorized for a specific type of duty. Wigs or hairpieces meeting womensgrooming standardsare authorized for wear by personnel while in uniform or duty status. Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations. They shall not interfere with the proper performance of duty nor present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard. Cosmetics may be applied in good taste so that colors blend with natural skin tone and enhance natural features. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are not authorized with the uniform and shall not be worn. Care should be taken to avoid an artificial appearance. Lipstick colors shall be conservative and complement the individual. Long false eyelashes shall not be worn when in uniform. Fingernails shall not exceed 1/4 inch measured from the fingertip. They shall be kept clean. Nail polish may be worn, but colors shall be conservative and complement the skin tone. Updated Tattoo, Body Mutilation,Dental Policy The four major issues with tattoos on the body are content, location, size, and cosmetic. If the content is objectionable (racist, gang, drug, generally obscene), for instance, the individual will be denied entry or allowed to stay in the military. The location of tattoos cannot be seen on the head or face and generally seen when fully clothed.Depending upon where the tattoos are located (arm, leg, torso) the tattoos are limited in certain sizes. Some tattoos are cosmetic and are waiverable if treating an allowable medical condition. Mutilationis the intentional alteration of the body, head, face, or skin for the purpose of resulting in an abnormal appearance and is forbidden for military service. Examples of mutilation that are not allowed are (or limited to) A split or forked tongueForeign objects inserted under the skin to create a design or patternEnlarged or stretched out holes in ears (other than a normal piercing)Intentional scarring (cutting) on neck, face, or scalp orIntentional burns creating a design or pattern. Dental ornamentation is the use of gold, platinum, or other veneers or caps is prohibited.Teeth, whether natural, capped, or veneered, will not be ornamented with designs, jewels, initials, etc.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Deal With a Passive-Aggressive Co-worker - The Muse

How to Deal With a Passive-Aggressive Co-worker - The MuseHow to Deal With a Passive-Aggressive Co-worker We can all name a passive-aggressive person right now. Whether its the friend who takes forever to get back to your texts, or the roommate who subtly puts your dirty dishes on your bed, or even the co-worker who says hi to everyone but you in the morning. Unlike the first two examples, the co-worker poses mora of a problem because we cant just distance ourselves from them.Amy Gallo recently wrote an article in the Harvard Business Review laying out the best way to deal with this issue. Besides the obvious suggestions to not overreact, make a big angry deal about it, or behave passive aggressively yourself, Gallo shares author Amy Sus advice The most important thing to remember is that, often, its not about youPeople who routinely act in a passive-aggressive way arent necessarily complete jerks. It could be that they dont know how to communicate or are afraid of conflictTheres als o a self-centeredness to it. They make the flawed assumption that others should know what theyre feeling and that their needs and preferences are more important than others. Once you come to terms with the fact that that person might not be intentionally behaving this way toward you, you can address it with a clearer head. As Gallo suggests, focus on the crux of the problem, not the way its stated. For example, if your co-worker huffs that you Never listen to her anyways in meetings, maybe thats a signal that her opinion often goes ignored by others. Or, if your deskmate always tends to push your supplies off their desk, maybe theyre just struggling to find their own space in the crowded open office. Thinking of it this way gives you two choices You can just take action and do a better job at keeping your desk contained to just your desk. Or, you can say something. That doesnt mean being confrontational, but rather conversational in the moment.For example, the next time you see your colleague push a folder back on your desk, speak up. I didnt realize that was on your desk. Sorry my stuff keeps spilling over, Ill do a better job of staying on top of it.Or, in the case of the person who complains in meetings, you can say, Im sorry if Ive made you feel that way, I actually really want your opinion on this. By acknowledging the problem without escalating it, youre turning the situation from a passive-aggressive one to an open and honest one. And by doing that, you can set the standards of an appropriate and respectful workplace interaction. Youd be surprised how powerful your actions can be.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Understanding Cv or Resume

Understanding Cv or Resume The Start of Cv or Resume Based on your own circumstance you will want to determine which kind of a CV is the fruchtwein appropriate. It is very important to plan your CV before you begin writing it. If you dont want your CV to appear just enjoy the other CVs, avoid developing a boring CV thats a lengthy collection of your qualities. Your CV is the initial point of contact with you have to your prospective employer. Most employers have a tendency to judge applicants by the overall look of the CV. You may never fail with the standard CV as its the one which most employers expect to see. CV Templates are used when applicants dont have the opportunity to choose how they ought to produce their CV or any time the CV theyve sent many times does not get a response from the organizations. Facts, Fiction and Cv or Resume While trying to find CV schablones, one ought to get ensured that the resume is loaded with the necessary information. Various varieties of CV templates are also available which enables you to create a CV according to your requirements and requirements. Its a fact that all CVs adhere to a particular standard and guidelines. Make a thorough collection of the info youll need to include, and use it in order to compile your CV. So be very certain that you edit the CV Sample multiple times before settling on sending the exact same. Various sorts of Blank Resume Templates Since there are a lot of kinds of CV templates that individuals can use, the absolutely free blank resume samples are grouped in such a manner that someone can pick the one thats pertinent to them. As you proceed through the templates that may be found on the internet, you will receive a whole lot of resume tips that can help you develop an ideal template for your CV. Employing a CV template will make a most affective presentation. The Appeal of Cv or Resume Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the very first point of interaction that occurs between the applic ant and the possible employer. A CV provides the prospective employer relevant details on the applicant to facilitate the hiring decision. The CV or Curriculum Vitae is a candidates very first aussicht in creating a great impression in front of a possible employer. With greater competition in every work business, tailoring your CV unique to the business is helpful. An excellent CV forms an important role in the work screening practice. If you want more help, its possible to also use a CV builder to direct you through the writing process. It is essential that you proceed through all the templates that may be found online so you settle on the one which you feel can help you get the job which youre applying for. Strategically convey experiences to make your career specific CV. If you arent certain how to present your CV info, then you ought to find help through internet CV samples, assistance and advice or by selecting a CV writer who will to guarantee you make it to intervie ws. Possessing an excellent CV or curriculum vitae is important as it can assist you in getting the job of your selection. Writing your resume has never been simpler. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Cv or Resume Is Wrong Using templates will make it possible for you to think of a template that will appear professional and thus provide you higher odds of finding the job which youre applying for. Resume templates can be helpful in building your resumes. Simply typing CV templates will supply you with hundreds of results with number of sites offering profession certain templates. Directly copying a CV template isnt always the ideal solution as it isnt always tailored to the demands of the candidate. CV has to be apt and so much about yourself that you want to skip things which do not involve the company that you are going in to, or about yourself. In fact, a CV is one of the most significant things an individual can create. An expert CV is frequently the best approac h to go for the higher paying and titled employment like manager or CEO instead of one that youve thrown together. If you arent certain how to compose your CV or resume youll have the ability to get an assortment of information about the internet today alongside companies that will write the document for you or just direct you in the correct direction. You therefore have to make sure that its perfect and that it gives all of the info it needs to give in all the proper ways. One of the principal benefits of using templates that are found on the internet to compose your resume is the simple fact which you will conserve a great deal of time which you would have used to compose a resume. When selecting the web site for referring, you should take care that the info provided is meaningful and accurate. Needless to say, a CV is for anyone seeking to apply for employment or admission to a certain position. A complete CV will be able to help you get your fantasy job even in a recessi on hit job marketplace. Building an attractive CV assists in upping your likelihood of finding the job. Resume consists of unique sections, all which are equally important. Resume Help It is a superb case of a traditional CV that could work whatever position youre applying for. CV is a significant component in the screening procedure for the applicants and therefore should obtain a great deal of effort when being written. Your CV needs to be concise and short, and have a formal structure containing all of the information an employer would like to take a look at.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Pain of How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology

The Pain of How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Understanding How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Youll list your latest work positions initially, and return through past jobs in reverse-chronological order from that point. It is crucial to be aware that you need to only add skills that are pertinent to the position youre applying for. While you might not have the expert experience, what you could do is leverage what youve done in your private life. As soon as youve worked over your resume, then it is possible to add to it with your new expertise in your final position. The Supreme Approach for How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Its also important to think about the type of work you really wish to be hired to do. If you concentrate on being yourself and presenting what you need to offer in the ideal light, you will locate your fit, it might just take some moment. If you wish to get hired quickly, the ideal way to do this is to gain as much experience a s possible. It is imperative to stand out and get noticed, and the best method to do its through a powerful, engaging resume. Whispered How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Secrets Youre likely going to want to include things like a Technical Skills section too. The plan is there, all you need to do is to add your own info, and youre all set. Information technology business is different from all others. By way of example, imagine youre asking for a job which demands enterprise migration experience. How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Help One of the simplest approaches to boost your IT resume is to make personal projects. Writing a resume from scratch is not quite as straightforward because you may imagine. geschftliches miteinander think when it comes to bottom line. In case the former, they could be helpful or expert, but odds are they arent. When applying for work, its advisable to phone beforehand and learn if the business youre applying to scans their resume submissions. If it is possible to add 2 or 3 to each experience, then youll demonstrate that youre a goal-oriented individual. In just about all situations, the response is yes. The Benefits of How Resume Writing Is Helped by Technology Use the checklist to be sure you have included all appropriate data in your resume. You should also make bulleted lists to neatly summarize key details. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cannot read certain products. For example, if you created a program for a regional non-profit to deal with donor info, thats something whichs pertinent to include on your resume.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Whatever They Told You About Two Column Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About Two Column Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Using and formatting columns is quite straightforward. Today you may add your own private information as recommended by the plan and formatting. 1 common resume design contains two columns as opposed to the standard one-column resume. Our professional sample template resume that we present create it simple to produce and use our well-curated templates to produce your own expert profile. If you have a look at the templates weve listed below, you will landsee that they all are similar in the manner your information is prioritized and structured. Clean one page resume is a completely free PSD template come with easy and clean style, very simple to customize and package with 6 unique colors to pick. You can also alter the font if you wish (and the exact same goes for each template in our list). Deciding on the most suitable fonts for your resume is essential so choose wisely. Creative resumes will do y ou mora damage than good. Whats important is to make sure everything on your resume is vital. Its essential to be specific about your qualifications. To begin with, figure out which skills you wish to emphasize by carefully reviewing the work description. Instead you might want to incorporate an expert summary that states what you need to offer you the employer for a candidate, instead of what youre searching for. Your work is to pick the top few requirements that match your experience. plek the variety of rows dependent on the variety of comparisons you want to make, including room for the column headers. For instance, you could set your contact data in a spinal column at the face of the webpage. Thanks to two distinct columns all sections may be visible so that recruiters will know where to search for the main info about you. The References section is helpful to list personal information for people. All About Two Column Resume With a properly configured two column res ume, I can readily get an extremely concise comprehension of a candidate merely by reading the very first page without needing to jump around. Otherwise, theres no use in having one. You cant expect to acquire our attention if youre not ready to put a tiny skin in the game. Youve come to the correct location. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Two Column Resume When you use a two-column resume in Word, you face the chance of the file getting distorted if a person opens your resume in another edition of Word or another processor. Afterwards, you may download your resume at no cost, so that it is possible to edit it in MS Word or Google Docs. You will be able to download your favourite template for a PDF instantly, or youre able to download all your details so that it is possible to edit them in Word or Google Docs. Employing a template gives you a framework for each special application. The Demise of Two Column Resume For instance, if you are asking for a manager posi tion in a design department, you can want to say Im a seasoned professional in the plan sphere with superior managerial abilities and a talent for creating memorable campaigns. Besides social media, the remainder of your contact information ought to be modernized too. Clearly, you should still mention different skills that are linked as well as other qualification that you believe they research for. Think as specific as possible, and prevent using more general varieties of skills like communicating. A Startling Fact about Two Column Resume Uncovered You will need to ascertain the key points you wish to convey. Review the work description and ensure youre covering all the principal points. If you wish to acquire your cover letter printed professional, you might need to set bleed marks in your design. Your cover letter will also incorporate your job-specific qualifications together with a personal connection, like why you wish to work for their company particularly. Every cove r letter ought to be tailored to the position and business. A bullet-point cover letter is comparable to a conventional cover letter.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Make A Great First Impression

How to Make A Great First Impression How to Make A Great First Impression The Relationship between Image and How You Are PerceivedSince light travels faster than sound, you are seen before you are heard. This is why, before uttering a word your visual image will say a multitude about you as an individual (your perceived level of intelligence, competence, affability, self-esteem, confidence, power, beliefs and success) and about the organization you represent (its philosophy, culture, and standard of service).The National Research Council of Canadas Caroline Dunn and Lucette Charette found that, People are affected by your appearance, whether or elend they realize it, and whether or not they think appearance is important.I work in a field that is devoted to assessing people, states Kathryn Ricker, 30, Statistician, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey. One of the concepts we talk about is known as the halo effect. That means that if we know certain positive things abou t a person, we tend to havea generally positive impression of that person, sometimes even in spite of evidence to the contrary. What Im realizing is that the halo effect also extends to a persons appearance. I think that is why a positive first visualimpression is so important. If someone is nicely dressed and looks well put-together, we have greater confidence in his or her abilities even before he or she has said a word. If that is the case, why not always have your halo looking its shiniest?The Relationship between Appearance and Interview SuccessA recent study, conducted by an employment law firm, Peninsula, asked businesses in the United Kingdom what interview habit they found fruchtwein annoying and found that over a quarter were upset by unsuitable clothing or appearance.Pamela Monticelli, 50, Senior Recruiter for Sovereign Bank in Toms River, New Jersey, believes, Especially in the financial industry, which tends to be a mora conservative environment, a lot of young people d ont understand that we are looking for someone to represent the company. Your appearance is not just representative of you you will also be representing the company the way we want it to be represented. She adds, I have raised four teenagers and every one of them has, at some point, gotten a piercing or tattoo and said, If I am are going to work for XYZ Company they need to accept me for who I am. My children need to understand that at some point they might have to modify their appearance to fit into a professional environment.Adds Meghan Meyer, 31, Human Resources Manager for The Mercadien Group in Princeton, New Jersey, A comprehensive and well designed resume will get you to the phone screening process. An articulate person, who speaks confidently about his or her skill sets, will land an interview. But it is how you are perceived during the interview that will leave the lasting impression.The Relationship between Clothing and How You Perceive YourselfClothing is an inner cue aff ecting your self-image. Feeling good about how you look can make you feel good about yourself, thus increasing your personal presence.Karen Dixon, 42, Supervisor, The Mercadien Group, Princeton, New Jersey, indicates, Dressing in a professional yet stylish manner can give you a tremendous feeling of confidence that is exhibited to others through your attitude and actions.The opposite is true when we just dont feel right about how were dressed.The Relationship between Clothing and BehaviorWhen you wear more powerful looking clothing (e.g. professional business attire, a suit, darker colors, etc.) and clothing that is appropriate for your profession, it changes your mindset switching from relaxed mode to professional mode. This positive change in attitude is reflected in body language and behavior (e.g. better posture, firmer handshake, maintaining eye contact, sticking to business, etc.), giving you greater visual power.The converse is true for more insignificant or inappropriate cl othing choices, such as washed out colors or informal ensembles where more traditional clothing choices are the order of the day. Without you even knowing it, people will take the liberty of interpreting what you are saying via your body language and will judge and respond toward you accordingly.Jackson Lewis, a law firm that specializes in personnel issues, polled more than 1000 human resource executives who implemented a dress down policy. They reported a thirty percent increase in flirtatious behavior, contributing to an increase in sexual harassment lawsuits.The Relationship between How You Dress and Your Professional GoalsAn indifferent professional image can adversely affect your professional goals and your organizations bottom line. However, a well-defined and consistent professional image can improve the perception of your professional abilities.Emily Oswald, 22, Account Manager, TrailGraphix, Washington, D.C., in her first job out of college, states, After three months with my company, I was promoted. Out of 300 people in my company, and 35 who hold the saatkorn job, I am the youngest. When I meet with clients, typically fifty-year-old attorneys, I dress professionally. There is nothing comfortable about wearing a suit and heels but it does affect how you carry yourself and how you are perceived. Dressing professionally has definitely helped me move up quickly in my company. The first impression, and the second and the third, are important.The Relationship between Dress and Success for Working WomenWhile appearance for both men and women can be a key to success, a survey by Women Work found that seventy-five percent of respondents believe that appearance affects how women are perceived at work more than their male counterparts. Nearly eighty percent of respondents said that clothes, hairstyle and makeup make a significant difference in ones perception and confidence that a woman has the skills and knowledge to perform her job.The Relationship between Local Corporate Culture and Global Corporate CultureMarkets differ from country to country, state to state and town to town. Where on paper the same dress code policy applies, employees often find that when they travel within their company, they face dress culture shock. This leads to confusion and awkwardness. However, global, cutting-edge organizations understand that employees are an extension of their corporate brand and that, irrespective of where they set up offices, it is vital that the corporate brand is expressed uniformly.10 Thing Employees Can DoDress Appropriately. In a more conservative environment (banking, accounting, law, etc.) dressing alluringly can be perceived as provocative, sabotaging your chances of attracting the kind of attention that wins you credibility. Likewise, in a more artistic industry, dressing in a dark colored, boxy suit will cause people to doubt your creativity.Dress Consistently. Dressing appropriately one day and inappropriately the next sends mixed messages causing confusion for you and the observer.Dress with Special Attention to Color. Research shows that color is a powerful communicator that has emotional and physiological affects on the wearer and observer. Determine what your best colors are and use this information when putting together your professional wardrobe.Dress for Your Body Type. Find out your body type and the best fit for your shape. Clothes that are cut for somebody elses silhouette can make you look disheveled.Dress in the Best Quality You Can Afford. For the discerning wearer, cheap chic can be felt, making you uncomfortable (itchy fabric, poor fit) for the discerning viewer, it can be spotted a mile off. Aim to build a core wardrobe with quality rather than quantity.Dress with Finesse. Never neglect to cultivate and maintain impeccable grooming habits. Little is more off-putting than body and food odors, greasy hair, overdone makeup, torn pantyhose or socks etc. Your attention to detail will show th at you care about all the components that make up the big picture. Dress It up a Notch. The more client-oriented your role, the more professional your appearance needs to be. No one wants their banker to look like they just got out of high school or as if theyre heading out for a day at the beach.Dress into the 21st Century. Throw away neon colored clothes, platforms and loud prints. You dont have to look like you just stepped off the pages of Vogue or GQ, but keeping your wardrobe up-to-date shows that youre current rather than old fashioned.Dress for The parte You Want to Play. If you look content with the position you are at, thats exactly where youll stay. Jeanine Rhonstein, Co-Chair, Princeton Community Works, indicates, Often opportunities present themselves to you, not the other way around. If you dress according to where you want others to see you heading, you may find more doors opening.And David Watson, 39, Vice President, TrainRight Solutions in Louisville, Kentucky, seco nds by saying, I live by this motto when it comes to professional dress. You dress for where you want to be, not where you are. This means if you are a manager and you want to move to the executive suite, then you better dress like an executive.If Youre Fresh Out of School Get Help. Transitioning from a school wardrobe and environment to your first job can be a daunting task. Find out from your organization if they offer professional dress training. If not, hire a specialist.6 Things Employers Can DoDecide if Casual Dress Is Right for Your Company. The start of causal dress days began on the West Coast to encourage creativity. However, based on a survey of 500 companies, Dr. Jeffrey L. Magee, a consulting psychologist, found that continually relaxed dress leads to relaxed manners, relaxed morals, relaxed productivity and an increase in complaints to Human Resources. Make an informed decision about casual dress based on your culture and business goals.Have Policies. Employees are of ten confused about dress expectations at work. On the one hand, they may receive compliments from their colleagues, and on the other hand, they are reprimanded for not being professionally dressed. Provide clear dress guidelines and follow through if employees do not follow the policy.Provide Professional Appearance and Etiquette Training. Offer employees a professional image seminar if they lack basic know-how in this area and provide dress code guidelines during new employee orientation.Provide Sexual Harassment Training. Dressing provocatively can lead to flirtatious behavior and increased sexual harassment complaints. Failure to adopt a proactive and aggressive stance on sexual harassment in the workplace can result in costly lawsuits, loss of employee morale, decline in productivity, and an erosion of a companys public image. It is less expensive to implement sexual harassment policies and training than to be involved in one sexual harassment lawsuit. Provide employees with cle ar examples of inappropriate behavior and dress and train supervisors to deal with complaints.Provide Global Training Programs. Other than marketing materials, your employees are the first point of contact for customers and clients. Ensure that, irrespective of geographical location, employees are on the same page in terms of expected behaviors and company image.Hold Leaders Accountable toModel Your Company Image. When leaders fail to live up to your company image, employees become de-motivated and angry. Provide ongoing training, coaching and review of company leaders.The work world demands making a great first impression and keeping it. To communicate more effectively, start by understanding appearance psychology. Doing so can lead to greater professional and personal success. If you dont believe us, then perhaps you will believe Mark Twain, who said, Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 Tips for a Great Phone Interview

3 Tips for a Great Phone Interview3 Tips for a Great Phone InterviewDo You Dread a Phone Interview or Networking Call? from this week. They have some tips to help you get through a great phone interview so that you can show the potential employer your best self.Tips for a great phone interviewHere are some of the best tips from the article on prepping yourself for a phone interview, along with our ideas for acing that interview and landing a great telecommuting job.Its easy to take for granted and not prepare or take them seriously. A BIG mistakeWe totally agree phone interviews for telecommuting jobs need just as much preparation as in-person interviews. You should be researching the company and if possible, your interviewer also. Make a list of your biggest strengths and accomplishments so that you remember what to talk about. And practice, practice, practice even if its to a fake person on the other end of your phone line. The act of sitting at a desk, answering questions on the phone should become easier with practice.Plan the conversation.Phone interviews arent like talking to a good friend (though, wouldnt that be nice). The conversation can be awkward unless youve planned accordingly. As someone applying for a telecommuting job, youll want to demonstrate your ability to interact well over the phone.Pick a quiet spot to have the interview, and remove any distractions (turn off your computer, put away random objects on your desk, etc.). The only things you need are a copy of your resume, a list of talking points and answers to common interview questions, a list of important info about the company and your interviewer, and a phone.Smile when you talk. Another sage piece of advice from career counselors everywhere, and thats because it works. If you smile when you talk, your voice and demeanor over the phone become more positive. It also helps to snap you out of nervousness or stress, which can otherwise make you sound angry or annoyed. An additional tip from Careerealism Many people like to stand up when they talk they speak more from the diaphragm and they come across as very confident.Do you have any tried-and-true methods for acing phone interviews? Any tips specifically for telecommuting jobs? Be sure to leave them in the comments for other readers to learn from